
Sunday 16 December 2018


Toilet Infection does not actually exist as a disease in Medicine; any non-medical person will refer to an infection around the Vagina as toilet infection. This is to enlighten on what they refer to as “Toilet infection”, and the symptoms.
Forms of Vagina “Toilet” Infections:
The two major and popular forms of toilet infections are:
        1) Bacterial Vaginosis
        2) Yeast Infection

This is the number one cause of all Toilet(vaginal)infections and out of 100 women that you will find with toilet infections, 50 of them will have Bacterial Vaginosis.This infection is caused by a change in the type of bacteria normally found in the vagina and causes an overgrowth of organisms such as Gardnerella vaginalis in the vagina. You can get bacterial vaginosis if you do vaginal douching or you insert intrauterine device (IUD)[the type of material inserted into the uterus(womb) to prevent pregnancy] or if you are pregnant or if you recently got a new sexual partner or if you have multiple sexual partners.

This is also called Candidiasis, Genital candidiasis, or Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) or simply Vaginal Yeast infection. This type of Toilet(Vaginal)infections is caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. This infection is not restricted to the Vagina alone because itcan spread to other parts of the body such as skin, mucous membranes, heart valves, oesophagus, and other areas. It can cause serious and life-threatening systemic infections inpeople that their immunity is not strong (such as pregnant women, HIV positive individuals, people with Diabetes, or people who takes Steroids).

The onset of infection up to the manifestation of the symptoms can take up to months in females, however the general signs and symptoms of toilet infections are:
1) Itching: The commonest sign and can occur at any time. This itching can be so intense that it can make a woman to feel like crying especially if you are in the public. The bad side of it is that, in some women, the itching comes with pain whenever you try to scratch or rub the area which can be very discomforting.

2) Painful Urination and intercourse: Some people experience severe pain especially when urinating or when having sex.
3) Abnormal Discharge: There could be a discharge from the vagina that is not normal from the normal fluid secreted in the vagina that helps to keep it moist. This abnormal discharge is usually noticed when it becomes much, or when it starts smelling or when the colour is abnormal. The colour and smell of the discharge helps in knowing to some extent what type of organism is causing it. So always note the colour when you want to go and see your doctor.

4) Abnormal Menstrual flow: When this becomes too much, it could affect the number of days it takes for your flow to end. It could also affect the amount and the timing.
5) Abdominal Pain: Toilet infections may also cause abdominal pain in some women.

Treatment of Toilet (Vaginal) Infections
Many individuals today have made mess of their predicament by seeking online assistance
 These links are suppose to give you an idea of what to do or expect, they are not meant to replace medical intervention by your physician. Enough of self medication, go and see a certified medical practitioner who will direct you to a certified biomedical scientist/clinical lab scientist for high vaginal swab (HVS)/Cervical Swab to be taken for mcs(microscopy, culture and sensitivity) today!

Complication of “Toilet Infections”
When not treated, or even when treatment seem not to work (mainly because prevention of re-infection is not taken seriously), complications do arise that may lead mainly to Infertility. But when the Immune system is not strong either due to HIV, Diabetes, Pregnancy, or use of Steroids, the infection can be so severe that it can cause death. For pregnant women with toilet(vaginal)infections, without treatment, it can affect your baby to be born with low birth weight, abnormality and may be born prematurely.

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